Okay....not THAT kind of cleaning. It's that time of year, at least for us New Englanders, when you go out into your yard and you see the detritus that winter has left behind: trash, sticks, piles of yucky looking leaves.
I know I am always itching to clear away those leaves and let the crocuses breathe....
BUT WAIT! you should wait until temperatures are consistency about 50 degrees day and night for a few days. So trust me, a nice sunny day and I want to really clear everything out. (note: going out in the garden is how I productively avoid all things laundry and other to dos). Why wait?
You left all those pretty leaves for the pollinators and beneficial insects to winter over in. They are still sleeping or doing whatever it is they do, so if you clean up your yard, you'll be essentially undoing all your lazy fall leaving the leaves goodness.
So wait, till early April-ish to do all the bed cleaning.
And yes, leave the dandelions and skip the fertilizer (yes even the organic stuff).